Below are a few of Frosty's one liners, which generally made no sense, but were hilarious!

“They are buddies, or for gals it gallies, I don’t know.”

“Little league we used to pack the place, now I’m playing high school basketball and I can’t even find the umpires.”

“They got the chains on their necks and their earrings dangling” - on teenagers

“Here comes the rabbit and bada bing ol perseverance turtle keeps on keepin on.”

“You don’t open a combination on one number, unless you did two and left it there.”

“They don’t even have a lay-up anymore, it’s the whoopty do zoomer.”

“It’d be nice to send him a cherry bomb and let him eat it.” - on Sadam Hussein

“It’s IBM, they call it team Xerox.”

“This is the greatest thing since butter.”

"I used to have a crew cut, but the crew bailed out."

"Then the big toe comes up and burps."

"You get on the boat and the jet takes off."  A few seconds later after realizing what he said, Frosty added "Well, it was a jet boat."